3 Special Reasons to Love Arabia Mountain This Fall

We love Arabia Mountain any time of year, but especially the Fall…there are so many special opportunities here (yes, even in 2020!)

3 Special Reasons to Love Arabia Mountain This Fall

Daisy Days

I know the photo above is a little blurry – it’s about 8-9 years old. But it is still one of my favorites. I adore pictures of the kids with the yellow daisies…and love walking across the monadnock through the beds even more.

Every fall metro Atlanta’s granite outcrops are transformed as yellow daisies blanket Stone, Panola and Arabia Mountains….and each year Arabia Mountain celebrates the explosion of daisies with Daisy Days.

This year, Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area is changing up their annual, Triple Hike Challenge which coincides with Daisy Days. Instead of a one-day guided hike, visitors can celebrate Daisy Days all month long and “Hike as You Like.”

All you’ll need to do is hike Stone, Panola, and Arabia Mountains during the month of September to earn a special prize. Visitors can hike alone, with friends, or even participate in a guided event. Take a picture of each hike (a selfie will do) and complete the Virtual Passport to get a prize.  

Junior Ranger Ramble

Beginning October 5, kids, families and even adults can embark on a six-week Junior Ranger journey, exploring the nature and history of the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area (AMNHA) to earn a Junior Ranger Badge.

The Junior Ranger Ramble has been reimagined for 2020 to feature an online, weekly series of videos and activities that bring kids and their families out of the house and into the natural world. A virtual swearing-in will be held in mid-November.  

Participation in the 2020 Junior Ranger Ramble is free; participants can register here

You can also order a Discovery Kit to go along with your virtual adventure. It’s $15 (to cover shipping) but is not required. You can order your Discovery Kit here

Bike The Trails

One of our favorite ways to experience Arabia is via the bike trails. There are about 33 miles of trails along the Arabia PATH, but we do them in “legs”.

Take a look at our Bike Trails post, where we break down our recommendations for biking this PATH section…or forge your own path by using their map.


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